Michael is the author of four photography books. Please purchase using the link below. 

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Life Living Life II
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Photography Book

Look around you. Life living life.

But what does living life really mean?


For me, living life means connection.

Living life means connection to the here and the now.

Living life means connection to my beating heart and pumping blood. 

Living life means connection to my feelings of awe.

Living life means connection to the oneness of it all. 

Living life means connection to the part of me that is conscious of being conscious.

Living life means connection to the way things are and the way things are not. 

Living life means connection to humanity.


Some see photography as an art, a job, or a hobby. For me, photography is like life.


Photography is connection. Photography is connection to the people I have never met.

Photography is connection to the faces I cannot see.

Photography is connection to the emotions I have never felt.

Photography is connection to the beauty in the mundane.

Photography is connection to the transient moments that are once and never again.

Photography is connection to the organized chaos of the world.

Photography is connection to a common human spark. 

Photography is connection to the notion that "this is it." 

Photography is connection to the life living life all around me.


With gratitude,

Michael Sloyer